Today, we use virtual tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and other media to work remotely every day. As a strategic image consultant, I'll guide you on how to present your best self virtually and in the professional environment.
The COVID-19 Pandemic has ushered in a new world of telecommuting. Your virtual presence represents you and your brand more than ever. The "stage" has changed into a new normal of various virtual platforms. Do you wonder how to present your best self when you're are working remotely from home?
On Camera Image Consulting can help you create your best on-camera look and establish a professional workplace appearance.
Digital Identity (DI) Transformation Program
Virtual Session/Webinar
Establish baseline measurements and the importance of publicity and communications plan
Detailed DI Improvement Plan
Create an action plan using branded home studio software and complementary steps towards goals
1:1 DI Coaching
Coaching session to conduct impact analysis, review milestones, and share KPI reports
Office Hours
Long-term change management support
Varying packages for both corporate and individual clients
Individual Services
Create a custom package from the following:
Hair & Makeup
Create your signature look
Set the Scene
Build your home studio - lighting, BG, etc.
First Impression
Body and facial language training
Your Voice
Vocal and breathing exercises
Dress for Success
Re-style your wardrobe
Corporate Services
Want to learn more?
Available for clients with 5+ employees enrolled in training
Can be any combination of individual services
Includes added webinar and office hours components

We know not only what it takes to create a stunning image but also how to have a lasting positive visual impact on your performance and success.

Your visual image becomes a brand that matters the second you perform in front of a camera, whether on air in a TV reporting function, a public business presentation, working remotely via video conference, teaching online classes or creating videos for social media.

I promise to find the best photogenic angle to improve your appearance on camera and heighten your brand.
Personal Brand & Corporate Look
Creating images for personal and company branding
Face structure analysis
Coloring assessment of the skin complexions
Focus on strong and unique features of the client
Make-up application with lesson
Customized Image Kit with make-up products
Hair color
Wardrobe styling for professionals on air, video and TV
Remote Work, Light, Camera, Staging
Environmental design services for remote office work and video conferences as one-on-one consultation
Light setting
Background design
Body language
Camera placement and angle
Consulting Services
One-on-One Session
One-on-One Image consulting for
C-Level and senior executives
High profile personalities and public figures
Independent consultants
Post-graduates students and early career professionals Journalism/ Law/ Finacial Services
Image Consultation
Client’s office possibly, 45min
Meeting in person
Creating strategy for image
Face structure analysis
Coloring assessment of skin complexions
Focus on strong and unique features of the client
Hair salon, 1-3h
Custom design hair-do, execution of image creation
Follow up appointments approx. 5 weeks
Make-up / Grooming
Professional Make-up place or client’s office, 2-3h
Step by step instruction for custom designed make-up application
Materials provided
Customized Image Kit
For each client custom selected high-end make-up/grooming supplies and accessories
Selected and distributed by Dor Lata
Follow-Up Service
Touch-Up Session
Meeting in person or via video/skype for checking image
Order refills for Image Kit
Reminder every 5 weeks email follow up for hair-do appointments etc.
Small Group Hands-on Workshop
Practice workshop small group of up to 5 people
Introduction to Personal Brand Development
Hands-on training in professional makeup / TV studio
Custom makeup lesson and hair design
Personal makeup kit and understanding of makeup supplies
Tools and accessories for makeup application and hair styling
Seminar & Speaking Engagement
Image consulting seminars and training for:
Corporate leadership development efforts
Professional groups and industry conferences
Graduate school and executive education programs
Business Operation Support
Structuring business partnerships on discount rates and promotional samples for
Alliances with cosmetic and hair product companies
Hair salons and promotional samples
Collaborating with clothing /wardrobe companies
Photo and video crews for production and commercial purpose
Consulting Expertise

For any inquiries, please call or email:
917-667-6830 dorlata@oncameraimage.com
New York, NY